“Alternative Dispute Resolution − ADR” refers to the out-of-court procedures for dispute resolution between consumers and businesses, including dispute settlement procedures.
By Decision No 21/2023, the Transport Regulation Authority has adopted the ” Rules governing the initial implementation of out-of-court settlement of disputes between economic entities operating transport networks, infrastructure and services, and users or consumers, pursuant to Article 10 of Law No 118 of 5 August 2022”.
These Rules allow — through the ConciliaWeb platform — to settle disputes concerning rail, sea and inland waterway, bus and coach, and air transport, by asserting the passengers’ claims, including economic claims.
Before requesting a dispute settlement, passengers must have submitted the economic operator concerned a complaint or a request for reimbursement or compensation, waiting for its response for at least 30 days.
In the event of no response or unsatisfactory response from the economic operator concerned, the request for dispute settlement shall be filed within one year of the submission of the complaint or the request for reimbursement or compensation to the economic operator. As an alternative to ART Dispute Settlement Service, it is always possible to address any ADR entity that complies with the requirements of the Consumer Code. The request for dispute settlement is in any case inadmissible if the dispute can be resolved before another Dispute Settlement Body*, which must comply with the requirements of the Consumer Code and must not impose charges on users. * See the list of ADR entities accredited by MISE and ODR Platform ( https://www.mise.gov.it/it/mercato-e-consumatori/tutela-del-consumatore/controversie-di-consumo/adr-risoluzione-alternativa-controversie and https://www.mise.gov.it/it/mercato-e-consumatori/tutela-del-consumatore/controversie-di-consumo/odr-risoluzione-dispute-online). |
Users who intend to request a dispute settlement shall log into the ConciliaWeb platform via SPID (Public Digital Identity System) or eID (electronic identity card) or, only for users who are not resident in Italy, through registration.
It is also possible to submit a request for dispute settlement through a delegated natural person or through an accredited entity (consumer associations, representative entities, lawyers), with appropriate delegation. Users, or their delegate, shall therefore enter – under penalty of inadmissibility – the following data and documents in the platform:
Once the request has been entered, an electronic file will be generated, with an identification number. From that moment, both Parties will be able to consult the file to obtain updated information on the procedure. Every time a new event occurs, an alert message will inform the parties via email. |
If a cause of inadmissibility is identified, users receive a communication of dismissal or a request to supplement the missing documents, to be provided no later than 10 days (after which the request will be dismissed).
Before the actual dispute settlement procedure is started, the parties may exchange through the platform – and without the participation of a conciliator – proposals for the settlement of the dispute (direct negotiation):
The dispute settlement is conducted in simplified form, through non-simultaneous exchange of communications between the Parties and the conciliator:
CONCILIATORSART Dispute Settlement Service identifies the Conciliators within the administrative structure of the Authority or by agreement with public bodies. The Conciliators, who do not decide upon the dispute, but help the parties reach an agreement, operate with impartiality, independence and neutrality and receive specific training in mediation techniques and specific knowledge of the areas regulated by the Authority, in particular with regard to users’ rights and quality of services. The list of Conciliators of ART Dispute Settlement Service is available in the ConciliaWeb platform. |
See the list of disruptions for which it is possible to request a dispute settlement through Conciliaweb. If you do not find your item of interest, please visit the ‘Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ’ (in Italian language).
For such disputes, before referring to the court, it is mandatory to make an attempt to settle the dispute. |