Conclusion of proceedings initiated by Decision no 77/2017. Additional principles and criteria regulating access to the national railway system based on the outcome of the survey initiated by Decision no 127/2016
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A courtesy translation of the regulatory measures is available below.
The Authority adopted additional regulatory principles and criteria to be applied to the charging system.
These include, inter alia: the pricing criteria for the one component of the charge for the “minimum access package”, the pricing criteria for a component of the charge that takes into account the productivity increases achieved by railway undertakings from the operation of multiple-unit rolling stock, and a charge modulation aimed at ensuring greater correlation with the actual energy consumption of the single train. In particular, the Authority’s measures have modified the charge component concerning direct costs.
In the previous system as adopted by Decision No. 96/2015, direct costs were modulated according to three factors: speed, mass and use of the catenary. The latter component was modified in Decision No. 152/2017 by providing that the (sub)component related to the use of the catenary be modulated according to the number of pantographs. The measure provides that for the A3 (sub)component, which is related to the use of the catenary, “three classes” be identified: a first one for non-electric traction rolling stock (whose coefficient has a zero value) and the remaining two, through the application of equitable, non-discriminatory, transparent and simply applicable criteria, to be adopted by the IM in order to introduce an appropriate differentiation for the electric-traction rolling stock, on the basis of the greater or lesser wear of the electric contact line, including in relation to the number of pantographs which are simultaneously in contact with the overhead contact line equipment. (Measure 5.1). This enabled to distinguish between two coupled trainsets and single trainsets, providing for a higher charge component of direct costs for two-coupled trainsets. Another differentiation has been made with reference to mark-ups, providing for additional market segmentations, so as to allow a differentiation between two-coupled trainsets and single trainsets.
Further, based on the measures, the IM is requested to: publish in the NS its development and upgrading plans for the network based on an at least five-year scenario, as well any trial which has been initiated or is intended to be initiated on the rail network, any planning of interventions, trials or upgrading of the rail infrastructure; publish on the PIR WEB platform any information regarding the useful length of the track, the useful length of the platform and its height; identify the necessary supplements to the infrastructure clearing system for the operation of multiple-unit passenger trains.
Full text of the decision (Italian language)