2 October 2017
By Decision n. 119/2017, the Transport Regulation Authority identified regulatory items for the definition of the concession scheme and toll charging system of A5 Turin-Ivrea-Quincinetto, A4/5 Ivrea-Santhià, Turin Ring Road System, Turin-Pinerolo connection and A21, Torino-Alessandria-Piacenza motorway sections.
The decision concludes the proceeding initiated by the Authority on 31 May 2017 and takes into account the outcomes of a consultation and a public hearing with the stakeholders.
The Authority’s Decision was forwarded to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport for the purpose of calling a single tender for the award of the above-mentioned motorway sections.
The regulatory items for the definition of the concession scheme identified by the Authority and contained in Decision n. 119/2017 are as follows:
The toll charging system is based on the “price-cap” method and on the determination of the five-year productivity indicator. The system includes, inter alia: